A free membership offering you a range of benefits in addition to the latest safety and navigational information.

Essential, up to date safety information and advice for water sports participants and those supporting navigation and commercial shipping on the tidal Thames.
The Tidal Thames Navigators Club has been created to give recreational boaters easy access to information for their navigation on the tidal Thames.
The club is FREE to join and its main aim is to provide direct communication between the Port of London Authority and all recreational boaters.
When joining the club you will be able to tell the PLA about your boat and the areas where you regularly use it. You’ll also be able to tell us about your other activities afloat whether rowing or paddleboarding.
As a boat owner it will also give you the increased security of knowing that the Harbour Master can get in touch with you easily should anything happen to your boat whilst you are ashore.
Members get free postage when purchasing any one of our A2 colour folio charts – a saving of 12%.
Advice on safely enjoying the tidal Thames from the Port of London Authority.
A free membership offering you a range of benefits in addition to the latest safety and navigational information.