Our free app is the essential companion to the tidal Thames.

Download the app to get essential data including:
- live tidal data from twelve locations along the 95 mile tidal river
- alerts for Notices to Mariners, which detail the latest information on events, engineering works and recent changes that users need to be aware of before setting off.
- events calendar, covering planned rowing, sailing and paddling activities
- details of all the mooring locations along the river, including amenities at each location like mains electric, fuel, and pump out facilities
Get the app now for iOS and Android.
Customise the app
The app can be customised for the location you most regularly need information on. You will be asked to do this when you first download the app, or you can do it anytime by simply clicking on the wheel at the top right of the home screen and then choosing:
- your default tide gauge
- your preferred river district
- whether or not you want to see the Ebb Tide flow indicator

To download the app, use these links:
- App Store for Apple devices
- Google Play for Android devices
Or simply search for: ‘PLA Tidal Thames App’.
Compatibility/device requirements
- For Apple – Requires iOS 8.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone (iOS 8.0 was released in September 2014).
- For Android – Requires Android 6.0 or later. Compatible with Android phone (6.0 was released in October 2014).